Read this Before You Apply to Participate

You need to read this carefully to ensure that your organization is eligible and you are able to provide the information required to participate

To participate, your organization must: 
  • Be a 501(c)(3) or have secured your own fiscal sponsor* that meets all requirements.
  • Be Wyoming-based nonprofit. In a few rare instances, we accept nonprofits with headquarters outside of Wyoming, but they must contact us first before applying and provide proof of substantial and on-the-ground Wyoming programs and services. These are typically national organizations with local programming. 
  • Be in good standing with the Wyoming Secretary of State and the IRS.
  • Provide bank account information as noted below.

The Wyoming Nonprofit Network has final authority for approving and denying applications/registrations. 

To apply you will need the following information: 

  • The legal name of the organization as it appears on your IRS form 990.
  • The EIN (Employer Identification Number) for your organization.
  • A credit card to pay the non-refundable application fee.

To accept donations, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Bank routing and account number
  • The name, title, date of birth, home address, email address, home phone number and full Social Security Number for a representative of the organization. (Learn why this is required.)
  • If you participated in WyoGives previously and your banking information has not changed, you will not need to re-enter this information but you may be required to provide additional information. 

Incentives and Matches:

  • Participating nonprofits are encouraged, but not required, to secure a matching sponsor for their campaign. Any matching requirements or limitations are between the participating nonprofit and the matching sponsor.
  • The Wyoming Nonprofit Network provides administrative support for donors who wish to provide an incentive pool or matching funds to multiple organizations. The Wyoming Nonprofit Network serves as a facilitator for these requests.
    • Applying and being accepted as a WyoGives participant does not guarantee your participation in any incentive or match pools the Wyoming Nonprofit Network is administering. Additional information from organizations will be required to participate in these matches and there are limitations. The donors of these incentives and matches set these parameters.
    • Current incentive pool information, including qualifications and application instructions can be found here.
    • For incentive pool funds administered by the Wyoming Nonprofit Network, only online donations on July 10th will be matched. 

If you have any questions concerning these limitations, we highly recommend you contact us at before applying to participate in WyoGives. 

*If you have a fiscal sponsor:

  • The fiscal sponsor must be a 501(c)(3).
  • The fiscal sponsor must have a history of acting as a fiscal sponsor/agent.
  • An organization cannot participate in WyoGives if they are raising funds for a new project and don't have a current relationship with a fiscal sponsor. The Wyoming Nonprofit Network (WyoGives) does not assist with arranging fiscal sponsor relationships.  
  • Written approval must be received from the fiscal sponsor. 
  • The legal name and the EIN for the fiscal sponsor must be provided.